Yulongsi Fm
Type Locality and Naming
It was proposed by Ting V K and Wang Y L (1937). The type section is located at Liaojiaoshan, 15 km southwest of the Qujing County seat in eastern Yunnan Province.
Synonym: (玉龙寺组); Yulungssu Fm
Lithology and Thickness
The formation, approximately 340-380 m in thickness, consists of gray green, dark gray, bluish gray marl, dolomitic limestone, mudstone and siltstone; the sandy components increase upwards; both the base and the top of the formation are characterized by the index bed black shale.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
It rests conformably on the Miaogao Fm
Upper contact
It is probably conformably overlain by the Xiaxishancun Fm of the Lower Devonian (marked by appearance of yellow brown, grayish white thick-bedded micritic siliceous sandstone).
Regional extent
The formation is mostly exposed in eastern Yunnan Province.
The Yulongsi Fm is far less from the Miaogao Fm in fossil abundance and mostly bears fossils in its lower part, including brachiopods Retziella, Tadschikia, Protathyris, Howellella; bivalve Actinopteria; cephalopod Yunnanoceras; trilobite Warburgella rugulosa sinensis; anthzoa Squameofavosites; bryozoa Helopora, Eridotrypa; conodont Ozarkodina crispa; ostrocod Comonotentomozoe and chitinozoa Ancyrochitina fragilis,etc.
Depositional setting
Additional Information